Monday, October 17, 2011

Holiday and Pinterest fun!

I have been such a bad girl lately with not updating my blog the way I should. I have been so busy with trying to get my photography business off the ground that I have not had much time for sewing and crafting. I'm sure to get more done now that colder temps are on the way. I have several sewing ideas that I plan on sharing with you all very soon. Especially now that my mother in law has let me take care of her serger while she does not have a place for it. I'm super excited about it even though I have no idea how it works.

While I was working on my photography business I stumbled upon a new adventure. I have found a love for digital scrapbooking and digital card making. It could be blamed on my sister in law. She was nice enough to let me take newborn photos of my nephew and I decided to try my hand at making his birth announcements. Surprisingly they turned out great and a new obsession was born. I have designed a couple of cards and put them on my new Etsy store LRP Design. I am working on more and will be adding them as I have them. Right now it's only holiday cards, but I will be adding other kinds soon. Here are a couple of examples.

I also thought I would share something that I learned today. While checking one of my favorite blogs, I am momma hear me roar, I learned how to see what people are pinning from your blog to Pinterest. Copy and paste this link

Be sure to change to your blog address. I think it is so much fun to see what people like about your blog. If you are interested in what I'm pinning you can find my page here.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

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